cosmetic dentistry

Transform Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

For patients with damaged, chipped, cracked, and discolored teeth, porcelain veneers can be the solutions they’ve been searching for. Porcelain veneers are a permanent, effective solution used to treat a wide range of cosmetic dental concerns. If you are looking for a solution to address damaged teeth, visit our Durham, NC dental office.

Dr. Brent Blaylock is a highly trained cosmetic dentist in Durham, NC. If you would like to schedule a consultation to determine if porcelain veneers are right for you, contact our Durham dental practice. To schedule a consultation, call 919.518.9963 or schedule a consultation online.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers effectively cover a wide range of cosmetic concerns from tooth discoloration to cracked teeth. Porcelain veneers are crafted from a durable porcelain ceramic that can be molded, shaped, and color matched to blend seamlessly into a natural looking smile. Porcelain veneers are designed to fit securely over your existing teeth. Porcelain ceramic is naturally stained resistant and impervious to tooth decay.  Patients should still follow a healthy oral hygiene routine and visit the dentist regularly for routine dental checkups to maintain a healthy smile.

To secure porcelain veneers to the affected tooth, Dr. Blaylock will need to prepare the surface of the tooth by removing a small amount of surface structure. Impressions of your teeth are taken to create your personalized porcelain veneers. The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory for fabrication. During the fabrication of your porcelain veneers, Dr. Blaylock will provide temporary veneers to keep the affected teeth protected. Once your porcelain veneers are completed, Dr. Blaylock will check the quality, fit and color of your porcelain veneers to ensure they meet your expectations.

Porcelain veneers can be completed in as little as two visits to our Durham, NC dental office. With state of the art technology, we can create the smile of your dreams.

Published by
Dr. Blaylock

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